About Mr.Admin

Hello my name is Ty, but on this site I go by the name Mr.Admin. I made this site to share my love for all things anime. The site is a bit bare bones at the moment as I have absolutely no idea how to make or setup a website, so please bare with me. My favourite kind of anime is Isekai (I know not very original) I find they are like comfort food for the soul and have yet to find one that I don’t like, at least to some degree. My goal of Go2Anime is to make a fun and casual place where I can share my opinions in the form of reviews, but also to interact with others via the comment section on the bottom of each review. If you have any questions or want to provide me with some much needed knowledge on how to run a website, or just want to hit me up with some Anime recommendations please contact me at admin@go2anime.com.

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